When planning your bathroom panel installation you will come across multiple references to PVC or Aluminium Trims. A question we often field is are they necessary? They are not in the strictest sense but they do make a big difference to the level of finish with your panels.

A trim for every occasion

Each trim serves a specific purpose, you have dedicated trims for the ceiling, to end a panel, to wrap an external corner etc. Many add aesthetic appeal and generally make a big difference to the finished job. An important point is professional bathroom fitters will always use trims. They are used extensively to cover a cut panel or to protect a corner or to close the gap between wall panel and ceiling panel.

The one trim we always recommend – The Internal Corner.

Why do we always recommend the internal corner? The trim is the perfect way to connect two panels in an internal corner but they play an important role in addition to aesthetic appeal – waterproofing. With an internal corner in a shower or above a bath, an internal corner will be fitted first and the panels are fitted in each slot with silicone sealant. It is this silicone sealant and the surface area that is covered that makes the trim so effective at creating a waterproof joint.

If you are going to buy one trim, make sure it’s the internal corner and we just happen to have an extensive range in both PVC and Aluminium – view Trim Collections.

April 04, 2022 — stephen honeywell